
The Bridge is a not-for-profit

501(c)(3), organization, making all donations fully tax deductible.


Please consider providing a scholarship for a student to attend the Mijindo Jujitsu Budokan and learn the skill and discipline of martial arts.  Our Dojo is a place where everyone is welcome—all ages and ability.

  • $500.00 = provides a student a one year membership, gi (uniform) and two logo t-shirts (for student and donor).
  • $250.00= Healthy snacks for students. And t- shirt for donor.
  • $125.00= provides a gi for a teen ager or adult
  • $50.00=pays for a gi for a child.

Or just give what you can.  We will combine it with other donations for scholarships, snacks, equipment and running expenses so we can start new programs and provide additional services to the community.


Online-donation coming soon…


For the mean time, please send a check made out to the CLRBridgeFund to

P.O. Box 25104
Albuquerque, NM 87125